Anthropological Studies

Areas of scientific research. The members of the department of Anthropological Studies are oriented towards interdisciplinary research on the various phenomena of human existence. The methodology applied combines phenomenology, semiotics, philosophical hermeneutics, psychoanalysis, theory of culture. The thematic fields involve:

1 The dynamics of identities, determined by the processes of globalization, political integration and technological innovations; the role of communication and understanding in the creation of new individual, collective, national, and supranational narratives.

2. The changes in the social context resulting from the cultural and political transformations and the problems of personal adaptation to these.

3. The new religious forms and their influence on the contemporary individual and on inter-personal relationships; conflicts between religious and universal human values and the possibilities for overcoming them.

4. The role of new technologies for transforming the human body and mentality; possibilities for emergence of new social stratifications on this basis.

5. The peculiarities of social time as a symbolic construct consisting of layers marked by various speeds of transformation; the relation of this understanding to the narrative character of identities.

Staff Members

PhD, Assoc. Prof. Valeri Lichev – Head of Department

PhD, Assist. Prof. Mina Spasova

PhD, Assist. Prof. Liliya Sazonova

PhD, Assist. Prof. Sneganka Stoyanova

PhD, Assist. Prof. Vasil Markov

Iskra Vasileva – Secretary