CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY – problems, trends, perspectives
28 August – 02 September, Varna, Bulgaria
Organized by:
Organized by:
Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania
Institute of Political Science and International Relations “Ion I.C. Brătianu”, Romania
Department of Philosophy, University of Liège, Belgium Institute of Philosophy, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge
Place: Creative House of BAS in Varna, Bulgaria
Opening: 29 August 2017
The conference will bring together participants from several countries to discuss from philosophical point of view a range of problems of contemporary society, science, and art, starting from alternative logic and paradoxes of thought, going through some problems of the theory of education, art practices, and reaching to religion and politics, with a special focus on value conflicts and radicalism. The program of the conference is organized in the following main panels:
Contemporary Logical Problems – Solutions and Interpretations
Value Conflicts and Radicalism
Religion and Politics
Contemporary problems of analytic philosophy
Contemporary philosophical frameworks of the theory of education
Rationality and non-rationality in philosophy and science
The official language of the Conference is English.
We are glad you are part of this event!
Best regards,
Organizing committee